It seems to me that there is a lot of 1940s inspired fashions about at the moment, and it got me thinking about something I did last year. Once a year, in September, the Chatham dockyard in Kent have a 1940s day. I happened upon it quite by chance and decided to go along. I wasn't really sure what it would be like, so I didn't go in costume - but I really wish I had, because a lot of people did and they all looked amazing. There were stalls, vintage arcade games, a parade, a vintage train and a demonstration of a 1940's fire engine in operation. There were even air raids. Another great thing they had were bands performing old wartime songs and others performing the Lindy hop - a dance that was popular at the time. As well as all this the dockyards have a permanent museum about maritime history, a rope making museum, a submarine and other boats you can walk around on. I had a great time, and I will try to go again next year.